dijous, 30 de juliol del 2009

Antoni Cánovas - Ai!

Ja no creus perquè has de creure
t'han robat la teva vida
la innocència, l'alegria,
la promesa d'un demà,
l'amor que necessitaves
ja no et pot acaronar

ai, ja no pots somniar,
d'aquest somni has despertat,
no et consolaran les llàgrimes.
la fam no es deixarà enganyar

que ja has plorat sense esperances
fins que el plor se t'ha ofegat

i ningú pugui escoltar-lo,
de què res et pot salvar

ai, ja no tens que esperar,
d'esperar la soledat,
que ja has estat esclavitzada
que amb el teu cos han comerciat
que volguessis escapar-te
però no tens on anar

i quan et viole el miserable
per arrencar-te l'últim fruit
ai, no voldràs existir
del teu cos voldràs fugir

You don't believe cos you must believe
they kept your life,
innocence, happiness,
promise of tomorrow,
the love, you needed it,
can't caress of you

ah, you can't dream,
you've woken up from this dream,
your tears aren't going to console.
hungry won't be cheated

you have cried without hopes
until your crying has suffocated you
and nobody can't hear it,
nothing is gonna save you.

ah, you don't have to wait,
wait for loneliness,
you have been enslaved
with your body they get profits
you'd like to escape
but nowhere to go

when that miserable rapes you
to take away the last fruit
ah, you won't exist
you'll wish to escape from your body