dijous, 4 de setembre del 2008

An imagined reality / Una realitat imaginada

Staring at the stars in the morning and totally alone in the dark, he distinguished the constellations, he knew they were specific etities, but he didn't know their names. He guessed about known shapes, amorphous or convex to his mind. Finally, everything could be, as long as it had been thought; everything would be as if it was imagined.
Do imagine everything was a dream and so now the best is about to come, because the dreams are beautiful although they always have the same sad end, wake up and it's over, so we want to find facts, and for so doing we make plans, saying what we are gonna do or what we are not, where we'll go or where won't , how we are gonna be and how we'd want to be...; but, in the end, we're not going anywhere, we're not carring out any plans and we aren't...

there are still 200.000 child soldiers in Africa

Mirant els estels de matinada i completament sol en la foscor, distingia les constel·lacions, sabia que eren alguna cosa concreta, però no en sabia el nom. Esbrinava formes conegudes, amorfes o convexes al seu pensament. A la fi, qualsevol cosa podia ser, si era pensada; qualsevol cosa seria si fora imaginada.
Imaginar que tot havia estat un somni i encara quedava el millor per venir, perquè els somnis són bonics però sempre tenen el mateix final trist, et despertes i tot s'acaba, així ens limitem a buscar realitats, fem plans, diem que farem o deixarem de fer, on anirem i on no, com serem i com voldrem ser, però, finalment, no anem enlloc, no acomplim plans i no són.

encara hi ha 200.000 xiquets soldat a l'Àfrica